Comporta, Portugal
This holiday home belongs to a French couple who stay here whenever they need to escape the city to enjoy the tranquility of nature and the comfort of their house, a typical Comporta-style cabana located amidst the wild nature. The family home needed to be brought alive to make it not only liveable and cosy but in tune with the owners’ preferences and aesthetics.

The starting point for the interior design were some extraordinary objects related to the sea and the navy which were inherited by the owner and are central to the décor. Then, the basic idea for the composition follows a theme that is dear to Neimann’s heart: to create a harmonious composition of later-20th-century furniture, Portuguese decorative objects – particularly ceramics – and pieces he designs himself that act as a bridge between the architecture and the 20th-century pieces. The result is an eclectic mix that visually enhances the whole project and confers an air of originality. The greens in the tapestry – one of the key pieces in the living room - are mirrored by the cushions and join the palette of natural colours, in tones of beige and ivory, and the turquoise details of the ceramics. As far as materials are concerned, emphasis was placed on lightly coloured wood, wrought iron, rattan and ceramics.